To schedule an in-person consultant with one of our dedicated staff, please schedule a meeting us.
Home Care Services
In-Home/PCA Services
All PCA employees of United Care Services will provide appropriate PCA services according to the Client’s Care Plan. PCAs will provide services for Client’s in their homes/within the community. Clients Care Plans has four categories which include: Activities of Daily Livings (ADLs), Health-Related Tasks, Observations and Re-Directing Behavior, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs).
Nursing Visits
The Qualified Professional (QP) will evaluate the personal care services provided by PCAs to clients through direct observation of the PCAs work and/or through consultation with the clients. Evaluation must be made:
Within 14 days after the placement of a PCA with the client
90 days after the Client first receives PCA services according to the Client’s Care Plan for the 1 st year of services
After the 1 st year; at least once every 180 days. The QP shall record in writing the results of the evaluation on the
PCA Evaluation form and actions taken to correct any deficiencies in the work of the PCA
1 hr
In-Person Meeting